“Humanity can do better
discover your inner strength”
How to stay strong and happy in difficult times
Do you also sometimes feel that it is difficult to stay afloat in today’s times? That a lot is asked of you, but sometimes you don’t have time to think about who you are and what you want? That sometimes you would like to be a little happier? IKIGAI TV is a platform for positive psychology that teaches people in these difficult times to rediscover and trust their own inner strength. The goal is to get everyone who wants to participate into an upward spiral and into their power. This does not mean that you will always be cheerful or positive, but it does mean that you will get and stay in balance, even when things get tough in life.

How it works
On this site you will find short-term and powerful positive psychology interventions, in the form of challenges, substantiated by scientific theory. Through these interventions people can gain (renewed) energy and zest for life. This in turn has an effect on the people around them (“positive ripple effect”)
Michaéla Schippers initiator of ikigaitv.nl.
Michaéla Schippers is Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

What can I do?
The idea is that you choose challenges that suit you. Are you at a crossroads in your life and don’t know what (career) choice to make? Do you feel you are not (yet) getting everything out of life? Then perhaps the life crafting challenge is for you. Would you like to think about how the world could ideally look like? Then you can participate in “Letters tot he future”. Do you just want to experience more gratitude or be inspired to be a little nicer to your fellow humans? Then these challenges could help you. The challenges don’t take a lot of time: From 5 minutes to 30 minutes per challenge. Allow yourself that time because research has shown that it can help you feel happier and perform better.
In time, the goal is to have workshops on these challenges and the scientific side of them. The idea then is that we will train Life crafting practitioners who know the methods of the founders inside out and in turn pass this on to others, so the “positive ripple effects” in society will begin to emerge.
Get started
Have you already gotten the urge to get involved? Grab a pen and paper, or buy a nice notebook, click on the challenge you want to do, read it carefully, and start writing. Best of luck to you!

Life Crafting Free Webinar
Life Crafting Trough Personal Goal Setting | Michaéla Schippers | TEDx Erasmus University Rotterdam – Youtube
Ikigai – trailer inaugural adress RSM prof. dr. Michaéla Schippers – Youtube
Letter of Gratitude by Huib Rommers
Read more
De Jong, B., Ziegler, N. & Schippers, M.C. (2020). From shattered goals
to meaning in life: life crafting in times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11; 2648. Special issue: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19):
Psychological, Behavioral, Interpersonal Effects, and Clinical Implications for Health
Systems. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.577708
Schippers, M. C., Morisano, D., Locke, E. A., Scheepers, A. W. A., Latham, G. P.,
& de Jong, E. M. (2020). Writing about personal goals and plans regardless
of goal type boosts academic performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
60, 101823. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2019.101823
Dekker, I., De Jong, E. M., Schippers, M. C., De Bruijn-Smolders, M., Ziegler, N.,
Giesbers, B., Alexiou, A, (2020). Optimizing students’ mental health and
academic success: AI-enhanced life crafting. Frontiers in Psychology,
11, 1063. Special issue: Achievement emotions in University Teaching and Learning,
Students’ Stress and Well-being. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01063
Schippers, M.C. & Ziegler, N. (2019). Life crafting as a way to find purpose and meaning
in life. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(2778). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02778